This is a small & simple game made for Brackeys Game  Jam 2022.2 with the theme "You're Not Alone".

Your parents have put you to bed, but you can't sleep with the lights on. Unfortunately every time you switch off the lights something happens.

Figure out a way to turn the lights off & stay safe.

There's no real way to play this game, just click around and see what happens! I recommend starting with the light switch.

The game is short (if you can figure it out!), but I hope you like it!

Whilst this game was made for PC, as it's all click controls, it also works on mobile devices. (If you're having trouble running it on any device, please let me know in the comments & I will try and resolve it).

All art, music, and code were done by myself during the course of this Jam.

The two sound effects are both from, links below:


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(1 edit)

It is indeed a bit short but I had fun and for some reason the interactions feel realy satisfying. Thumbs up. Solid entry.

It's a solid game!

Aw yeeeaaaah